Outsourcing Serbia: Most of small and medium sized companies and associations of citizens in Belgrade, Serbia and in the region are in need of temporary hiring of workers “off side”. All jobs that are not in the job description of employees or employees don’t have time to deal with this, now doesn’t have to be remain unfinished. Business process outsourcing (BPO) and part time employees or consultants is becoming increasingly popular form of cooperation between the small and big companies.

We offer a wide range of support from production and processing video content and photos to events, video presentations, live streaming, documentation, upload and archiving. From the writing of a new project to event marketing. From maintaining contacts with existing and new customers to sales, logistics and shipping. From business correspondence, producing content and writing articles for the web to the online shop and update orders. From editorial and translation services to write technical texts, design and prepress. From education to employment…

The advantage of outsourcing Serbia, for you means less cost and less obligations to employees, while payments through accounts without VAT for many entities could be a great benefit.

Talk to us if you are planning a trip to Serbia or Montenegro, or you are preparing fairs, presentations, vacations, holidays and similar activities in which we urgently could be involved with full extent skilled and motivated workforce. According to many researches Outsourcing in Serbia has great potential.

outsourcing serbia - studio.fuzija@gmail.com